Laboratory Work

PHYS 101 Laboratory work for the Spring Semester of the 2024 – 2025 Academic Year will start on the second week (3 February - 9 February) of the semester, on the day indicated in your weekly schedule.

It consists of three experiments to be done in the lab, and a laboratory project to be designed and conducted individually. You can download the lab manual using the link PHYS101 Lab Manual.

Please visit the laboratory web page for more information using the "Physics LAB" link at the footer.

Pearson MyLab MasteringPhysics Registration Information

This semester, the textbook for the course will be “Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics (5th Ed.)” by D. Giancoli. You can purchase a hard copy of the book or obtain an access code for the e-book from the Meteksan bookstore.

Homework will be assigned through the online tutoring and homework system “MasteringPhysics™,” which is associated with the textbook. You will need the access code to register on the site. The website will also provide a grading procedure for each student, which will account for 10% of the final grade. For help with registration, please refer to Student Registration Instructions.

If you’re a student repeating the course and already have access codes for CENGAGE WebAssign, you can obtain free access codes for the new textbook. To do this, simply visit the link labeled Extending Course Access and follow the instructions provided there.

Pencasts of Exam Solutions

You can find pencasts of the solutions to some midterm exam prepared by Dr. Oktel on youtube at "". We hope watching the videos will be beneficial for you.

Lectures on YouTube

PHYS 101 General Physics I lectures given by Dr. Oktel in the 2016-17 Fall semester was recorded and uploaded to youtube. You can access these lectures using the YouTube link in the footer below, or through the youtube link on the Bilkent University web page. In case you miss a lecture, or if you want to review a topic, you can follow the link and watch the lectures.