Bilkent Magnetotransport & Spintronics Research Group

Graduate courses:

  • Workshop on Field Theoretical Methods in Condensed Matter Physics-2006-Part I 15 January-3 February 2006 Feza-Gursey Institute/Istanbul:

  • the TUBITAK support is awarded for the organization of a national workshop on Mechanisms and Means of Decoherence and Dissipation in low dimensional Nanosystems

  • Workshop on Field Theoretical Methods in Condensed Matter Physics-2005-Part I 28 August-4 September 2005:

  • the support is awarded, the activity is yet to be held. This course is designed for the advanced research students working in the field of transport theory in low dimensional systems. It is a 2005 activity of the Research Education Program in Condensed Matter Physics. The concepts of self-consistent Thomas-Fermi-Schrodinger solutions for the charge distribution in 1-D heterojunctions and in disk-shaped semiconductor quantum dots are given. The course includes numerical calculations using self made basic routines to solve the Poisson-Schrodinger system in cylindrical geometry.

  • Workshop on Field Theoretical Methods in Condensed Matter Physics III 20 March-15 April 2005

  • This course is the third part of the National Research Education Program for the year 2005 in Condensed Matter Physics founded by myself. It is based on a collaborative group research in the field of Kondo Effect in Quantum Dots. The course 14 was taken by three selected students from the Part-II of the same course below and included 25 hours of teaching and research on Kondo effect in qdots. At the end of the semester, the students have reproduced the already known effect of Kondo type impurity scattering and reproduced the known spectral functions at the level of the well known text book by Gerald Mahan on Many Particle Physics For more information consult the web pge (in Turkish):

  • Workshop on Field Theoretical Methods in Condensed Matter Physics II 31 August-10 September 2004

  • This course is the second part of the National Research Education Program for the year 2004 in Condensed Matter Physics mentioned above. The course was taught between August/23-September/10-2004 including 45 hour lecturing in a squeezed 3 week program of the selected national graduate students as well as faculty with research interests in Condensed Matter Physics. For more information on the program please visit

  • Workshop on Field Theoretical Methods in Condensed Matter Physics I 1-23 July 2004

  • This course is the first part of the National Research Education Program for the year 2004 in Condensed Matter Physics founded by myself. The course was taught between July/1-July/23-2004 including 45 hour lecturing in a squeezed 3 week program of the selected national graduate students as well as faculty with research interests in Condensed Matter Physics. For more information on the program please visit

  • Phys. 557 Special Topics in Mathematical Physics

  • Phase space approach to classical and quantum mechanics, theory of canonical transformations, canonical discretization of phase space, algebraic approach to quantum phase problem and quantum action angle operators, theory of generalized phase space distribution functions. Material: Own lecture notes; classic papers on the field.

  • PHYS 548 Advances in Condensed Matter Physics II

  • This course is given by three lecturers. In my part during the Fall 1998 semester I presented the continuous and discrete formulations of quantum phase space without subtle mathematical constructions of discrete and continuous group theory. A major part of the course was devoted to understanding the quantum phase problem and ways to solve it using discrete and semi-discrete phase space. Material: Lecture notes, historical papers by Dirac, von-Neumann, Schwinger, Moshinsky, Wolf etc. on canonical transformations and action-angle problem in quantum mechanics. Supplementary material in discrete mathematics was provided by, M. Artin (Algebra); S.R. Lang (Introduction to modular forms)

  • PHYS 553 Methods in Mathematical Physics

  • This course is designed to teach students the theory of special functions from the modern perspective of group theory representations. Emphasis is also given to elliptic functions and automorphic forms at the end of semester. Material: Arfken; Whittaker and Watson; Shoeneberg (Elliptic modular forms).

  • PHYS 551 Analytical Mechanics

  • Mechanics and variational calculus, static and dynamic equilibrium solutions of 15 mechanical systems, Dalembert, Lagrange and Hamilton's principles, Hamilton-Jacobi formalism and action-angle representations, symmetries and canonical transformations in phase space mechanics. Ideal fluid mechanics as a model for Liouville phase space. Material: Goldstein; independent lecture notes; L. Meirovitch (Methods of Analytical Dynamics); Chorin and Marsden (A mathematical introduction to fluid mechanics)

  • PHYS 548 Advances in Condensed Matter Physics II

  • (This course exposes the graduate students to advanced level special topics in Condensed Matter Physics given by three lecturers. The relevant section II is entitled as Introduction to Characterization and Generation of Chaos). Material: R.C. Hilborn (Chaos and non-linear dynamics: An introduction for scientists and engineers)

Undergraduate courses:

  • PHYS 405 Theory of Special Relativity (SR)

  • Experiments and introduction, postulates, gedanken experiments, Lorentz Trf., group properties, boost generators, Poincare group, relativistic kinematics, trf. btw. lab. and CM, Relativistic covariant E& M, trf. of fields, relativistic Thomas precession, relativistic mechanics, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian, Introduction to Classical Rel. Field theory, Noether's Theorem, energy momentum tensor, SR and Quantum Mech., Dirac's equation. Material: J.D. Jackson; H. Goldstein; J. Aharoni; H.M. Schwartz.

  • PHYS 205-206 Classical Mechanics

  • Standard and full coverage of J.B. Marion and S.T. Thornton's Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems in two semesters.

  • PHYS 101-102 Fundamentals of Physics for Industrial Engineering

  • PHYS 102 Fundamentals of Physics for Computer Engineering

  • These two courses were designed for engineers and basically covered Holliday and Resnick in two semesters with more emphasis on mechanics and thermodynamics.

  • PHYS 449 Group Theory

  • group (G) axioms, exmpl's from simple finite dim. G's, multiplication tables, subG's, normal subG's, cosets, quotients. Transformations on and between G's: injection, surjection, bijection, homomorphism, isomorphism, automorphism, equivalence classes, Representations of G's, reps of simple Abelian G's, permutation G's, reducible, irreducible inequivalent reps, simple X-tallographic groups. Continuous groups, translation groups on the real line, on the circle, infinitesimal generators, representations, irreducibility of reps, angular momentum in two and three dim's. Material: Lecture Notes on Group Theory and Group Representations by L. Barker (Bilkent University Math. Dept.); own notes on discrete groups; M. Tinkham (Group Theory and Quantum Mechanics).

  • PHYS 243 Methods of Mathematical Physics

  • Linear Diff. Eq., Fourier and Laplace trf's, Frobenius Method and series 16 solutions, Bessel and Legendre functions, Sturm-Liouville Problem, Boundary Value Problems, Partial Diff. Eq., Special Topics in Math. Phys. (happens to be Green's function theory most of the time). Material: F.B. Hildebrand (Advanced Calculus for Applications); G. Arfken (Math. Methods for Physicists)

  • PHYS 256 Introduction Nuclear and Particle Physics

  • Quantum Statistics, Nuclear Models, Nuclear Decays and Reactions, Elementary Particles and Symmetries, Field Theory and Gauge Principle Material: R. Resnick and R. Eisberg ( second half of Quantum Physics of Atoms, Solids, Nuclei and Particles)

  • PHYS 453 Fundamentals of Nuclear and Particle Physics

  • Nuclear properties, phenomenological model, central forces, orbital ang. mom & spin, static electric and magnetic moments, nuclear decays, ?, ß, ? decays, Nuclear reactions & cross sections, Partial wave analysis, Resonances, Isospin and ? decay, Isospin and ? decay, Strangeness and weak decays Material: M.G. Bowler (Nuclear Physics)

  • PHYS 471 Advanced Computational Physics

  • In this senior course, students are given several different computational research papers. The prerequisites are Fortran 77 and Numerical methods for Physicists. They collaborate in writing the programs to repeat the numerical procedures needed in the paper of choice under the guidance of the professor. During the course, they learn how to use the numerical math. libraries as well as debugging methods. Usually, papers are selected from the current area of interests of the professor. For this reason, each year the course rotates among the faculty member. In my term the students worked in groups of two on the following papers:

    • Variational Study of a simple model for bipolarons, Phys. Rev. B45, 7102 (1992)
    • Two-site polaron problem: Electronic and Variational Properties, Phys. Rev. B45, 7730 (1992).
    • A Squeezed State Approach for the Large Polarons , J. Phys. Condens. Matter 5, 6729 (1993).
    • Variational ground state of a system with strong electron-phonon interaction, Phys. Rev. B 38, 11865 (1988).
    • Diffusion Limited Aggregation, Phys. Rev. B27, 5686 (1982).