APCTP-ITAP Summer School and Conference.


1) National applicants'  accomodational expenses at ITAP guest house will be fully covered. 

2) No travel support is granted to national or international applicants and contributing authors in any parts (school or conference) of the meeting.

3) We may have some partial accomodation support for those international student participants of the school part with strong applications. The evaluation is based on the publications and the reference letters.

4) In the conference part, for those participants younger than 35,  we plan to apply to TÜBİTAK  grants  for funding the accommodational expenses once the list  is formed. 

5) We may have some partial support for those contributing authors in the conference part in their accommodational expenses if they stay at the ITAP guest house.  Before we can decide on the contributing presentations, the authors should send their applications using the submissions page.