PHYS 334 Presentations

Tentative Schedule

Can Kozçaz
Special Relativity and Thermodynamics
April 8
Kadir Armağan
Phase Transitions
April 15
Nuri Öncel
Ising Model
April 25
Taner Özel
White Dwarfs
May 2
Nuri Altürk
Information Theory and Statistical Physics
May 9
Hümeyra Çağlayan
Approaching zero
May 13
Gökhan Arıkan
Superfluidity and liquid helium
May 16 (12:30)
Dündar Yılmaz
Transport Processes
May 16


Special Relativity and Thermodynamics

Can Kozçaz

After the discovery of the Theory of Special Theory of Relativity by Albert Einstein in 1905, it is understood that modifications in the classical theories had to be made considering the postulates and results of the Special Relativity. Although the modifications in thermodynamics had been made starting with the studies of Planck and Einstein, the importance of such modifications have been understood for few decades, because before the recent cosmological discoveries it was believed thermodynamics of very fast (of the order of speed of light) moving systems is unnecessary. In the first part of this paper, thermodynamics of stationary systems considering Special Relativity is illustrated using the mass-energy relation. In the second part, thermodynamics of moving systems is considered under Lorentz transformation group (four-dimensional formalism is used).

Phase Transitions

Kadir Armağan

What if it does not rain again? What if snow does not go although it is summer? What if our clothes do not dry after we wash them? Right! We will be in a big trouble. You can see that phase transitions play extremely important roles in our lives and much more things depend on phase transitions then which we ever think about. In my presentation, I will talk about phase transitions and will try to give answers to questions such as:

Ising Model

Nuri Öncel

The subject that I have chosen for the term project of statistical mechanics course is the theorical explanation of ferromagnetism, mainly Ising model. Fe and Ni a finite fraction of spins of the atoms because spontaneously polarized in the same direction, giving rise to a macroscopic magnetic field. Actually there are two main branch of physics which help us to explain ferromagnetism, electrostatics and Pauli exclusion principle. And for this project I will focus on the ferromagnetic structure of insulators. Since conductors have free electrons that move throughout the metal so such a structure is difficult to analyze.


Statistical Mechanics, Kerson Huang

Thermal Physics, Ralph Baierlein

White Dwarfs

Taner Özel

Fundamental physical laws have many applications in astrophysics. In astrophysics, the theory of compact objects is still far from being accomplished so it's a very popular research area. My aim is to present some basic ideas about white dwarfs, which form a very important step of the stellar evolution. White dwarfs are also very suitable objects to be studied in terms of statistical mechanics, since their formation can only be modeled by means of the kinetic theory with some little quantum approach.

Basically, I promise to cover the most basic two ideas:

1) The onset of degeneracy,

2) Relations between masses and radii.

However, I'm willing to go some more beyond this point if I have the chance to study the following topics in detail:

  1. Electrostatic corrections to the equation of state,
  2. The Chandrasekhar Limit,
  3. Improvements to the Chandrasekhar White Dwarf Models,
  4. Pynonuclear reactions.

Information Theory and Statistical Physics

Nuri Altürk

 One of the basis of the Statistical Physics is the entropy and entropy is a measure of the degree of of randomness or disorder of a system. The more disorder we have; that is the more available states there is in a system, the more lack of information we will get. This lack of information causes some difficulties in the interpretation of physical systems. The information theory has arisen from this lack of information problem. It tries to provide a mathematical measure of information. The inventor of this theory is Claude Shannon. In my presentation i will try to give the principles of this theory as much as i can without going much into the mathematics of the theory. I think this will help us to understand the entropy concept better.

Approaching zero

Hümeyra Çağlayan

1. General expression for entropy in terms of probabilities

2. Relation of entropy and paramagnetism

3.A classical method for reaching low temperatures

4. Third law of thermodynamics

5.Negative absolute temperature

6.Why heating increase the entropy or does it?

Superfluidity and liquid helium

Gökhan Arıkan

Superfluidity is a macroscopic manifestation of quantum laws. It can be found in all macroscopic bodies wherever quantum laws are applicable. Landau two-fluid theory and the empirically derived excitation curve explain a great many of the superfluid properties of the liquid helium. However, a deep understanding of superfluidity can be obtained by a theoretical deduction of the excitation curve. The transition is a proof that superfluidity is not explained by quantum-hydrodynamics. Why there is a transition, why there are so few excitations at low energy, why is He4 still liquid at T=0, at zero external pressure, are some questions I will answer in this project.

Transport Processes

Dündar Yılmaz

In my project I will deal with transport processes. After a short talk about random walk, momentum transportation and pipe flow I will make slight transition to thermal conductivity. I will talk about time dependent thermal conductivity and numerical calculations of diffusion equation. During project I tried to find appropriate situations which we can model with gas molecules or other well known statistical physics phenomena. I try to refine these models. As a demo example I will simulate a lost child in a crowd with molecules.

You will open a different window with my presentation.