Homework assignments MUST be completed in order to pass this course.
  Assignments completed on the day that they were due will receive a grade 10.
  The maximum grade which can be received for a late homework decreases by one
  point for each day that it is late: A one day late homework may receive at
  most a 9, a two day late homework an 8, etc., but this decrease will stop
  after the 5th day, so that you can still receive a maximum grade of 5 even if
  your homework is more than 5 days late. (Deadline for submitting late homework
  is one week after the due date.) Early submissions are evaluated in a similar
  manner so that maximum grade increases to 11 for one day early homework, 12
  for two days early homework and so on (Till, again, 5 days which corresponds
  to maximum grade as 15). The geometric as well as arithmetic averages of your
  homework grades will figure in your final grade, so it is to your advantage to
  complete the assignments into their final forms even if they are late.
  (The grading assistants have authority in setting up their own deadlines for
  submitting late homework. In any case, all late homework must be submitted
  before the last week of classes.)

  I may occasionally assign homework which will be treated as "required" for
  students who have not attended a particular lecture, and as "extra credit"
  for those who did attend.

  DO YOUR OWN WORK! - - - For purposes of this course, homework is like an exam
  that you take outside the classroom. If you get stuck at a point, talk to the
  assistant or to me, we will help you until YOU get your homework done.
  Otherwise, you have much more to lose than just a grade. You are entering a
  profession where your reputation influences your future dramatically, through
  character references in letters of recommendation, etc.

 Your homework grade average:  HAV = 0.5 * ( HA + HG )

 The arithmetic average: HA = ( ∑ GR + ∑ GE ) / NR

 The geometric average: HG = ( ∏ GR ) 1/NR

 GR = Required homework grades  ( NR = number of such assignments )

 GE = Extra credit homework grades