Metin Gürses
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Department of Mathematics
Please see my
Basic Research Fields:
Mathematical Physics and Applied Mathematics
Research Interests:
Integrable Einstein's Equations in General Realtivity and Integrable
Partial Differential Equations in Apllied Mathematics.
More Specifically
- General Relativity : Classical theories of gravitation, Theories with
torsion, Exact and
Approximate solutions of Gravitation Theories in various dimensions.
Colliding gravitational plane waves,
Low Energy limit of String
Theory. Sigma Models , Godel type metrics.
Integrable Systems : Super Integrable Models. Integrable Surfaces.
Integrability and Symmetries
of nonlinear partial
differential equations. Classification of partial differential equations with
respect to symmetries. Generalized symmetries and recursion operators.
Differential Geometry of Integrable PDEs.
Integrable systems on time scale, Integrable boundary conditions
Recent publications
Last update December 2014