yellow chakra

Sanskrit Name:
(meaning 'lustrous gem' or 'city of jewels')

Location Located at the mouth of the stomach
Color Yellow (like the sun)
Element Fire
Function Will, determination, assertion, personal power, hearty laughter
Inner State Intense emotion: laughter, joy, anger
Glands Pancreas
Body parts Muscular system, the skin as a system, the solar plexus, the large intestine, stomach, liver. Also the eyes, as the organs of the sense of sight, and the face in general, representing figuratively the face that the person shows the world.
Sense Sight
Gems and Minerals Gold, tiger's eye
Malfunction Lack of will, over emphasis on power, anger, ulcers, diabetes, eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia, fear, hate
To Awaken and Balance Rub your belly, become aware of the energy radiating from your solar plexus, breathe using your diaphragm.

The challenge of the third chakra is to ignite, connect with and focus our physical energy.

The natural feeling at the solar plexus chakra is concentrated fiery aliveness. The essence power is strength and will.

Associated with this chakra are perceptions concerned with power, control, freedom, the ease with which one is able to be himself - ease of being - as well as the person's definition of himself, the role with which he identifies and mental activity.

When we feel the pulse of our own energy at the navel, we have tapped the source of our personal power. We can face life from a position of identity, determination, self sufficiency and well being. We have the will power to act, the integrity to know the right course of action and the energy to do what we want to do.

It influences the digestive system when all 10 petals are activated. It also controls the subconscious and illuminates the mind. It conveys tendewrness, alerts initiatives and talents, and develops greatly the degree of prudence. The bad use results in the necessity to consume sugar, or in feelings of jealousy and the impossibility to say "NO".

When the solar plexus is pure, then one is at peace with others, where all relations are positive, all conflicts are stopped and transformed into exciting confrontations, where one is learning instead of fighting.


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