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Your Poems...

TOO LATE { email }

I have been here before,
same you, in different bodies,
same you in different fears.
closeness pushing you away once more,
same lack of kindness on your way out
and the familiar bitterness that remains...

I have been here before,
as if the scenery is set for me.
trailing the same path of teardrops,
is there love, is there not, is there...?

know this game and its crooked rules,
and so good at not playing it well.
got to make the choice,
break down,
or break out...?

I have been here before,
but standing on the threshold now,
I am leaving the place, leaving the game,
leaving all of you and you, all...

Wednesday, December 30, 1998 at 05:56:50 (EET)

TOO LATE { email }

till when, till where?
how many more illusions ahead?
all feelings painful, all add up to sadness.
ebb and tide of emotions,
moving in the ocean of loneliness...

how to cope with beginnings?
how to survive through ends?
all the rush to find something beautiful,
tracing ever-decreasing circles, so hopeless!

stubborn search for a meaning,
just leading to nothingness...

till where, till when?
when is the total exhaustion of
this virtual experience, this mess?

Tuesday, December 29, 1998 at 18:37:26 (EET)

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