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An oracle is cast by flipping coins or more traditionally, by manipulating yarrow stalks. The oracle is one of 64 different hexagrams. The hexagram itself is composed of two trigrams, each consisting of three lines. Those lines are either straight (or Yang) or broken (Yin).

To generate the hexagram, you will need three coins.  The head side (or the blank side) of the coin is yang, while the tail side (or enscripted side) is yin. The coins are tossed, and by assigning values to yin (2 points) and yang (three points), each of the six lines in the hexagram are generated. Therefore, six tosses decide a hexagram.

Changing lines are created if there are any three-of-a-kind throws (a total of six or nine). The secondary reading can be thought of as changing from the primary reading and is only created if there are changing lines in the primary reading.

Value  Line Meaning



old/moving Yin line



Yang line


-- --

Yin line



old/moving Yang line

The Chart is a simple indication of the sixty four general situations we find ourselves in at any one time in our lives. By throwing six coins and interpreting the pattern of heads and tails, the I Ching will offer one of sixty four pieces of advice.


1. Reflect and meditate on your question. Hold the question in your mind.

2. Throw the coins in the air. Add up the total of the coins using 2 points for yin (tails) and 3 points for yang (heads).

3. Draw the first line (i.e., the bottom line).

4. Repeat steps 2-3 until all six lines have been drawn.

5. Read the appropriate hexagram definition. Remember to read the line explanations for any moving lines.

6. If there are moving lines, draw a second hexagram by "aging" the old lines, i.e. an old Yin line (6) becomes a Yang line, and an old Yang line (9) becomes a Yin line. Read this hexagram.

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