indigo chakra

Sanskrit Name:
(meaning 'to purify')

Location Between the eyebrows.
Color Indigo, Midnight Blue
Element Light
Function Direct perceptionintuition, imagination, visualization, concentration
Inner State Self-mastery
Glands Pituitary gland
Body parts Eyes, two hemi spheres of the brain, forehead and temples, the carotid plexus.
Sense Extra Sensory Perception
Gems and Minerals Amethyst
Malfunction Headaches, nightmares, defects of visiont, lack of concentration.
To Awaken and Balance Meditation, guided visualization.

Also known as 'Consciousness Awareness Center'- Third Eye.
It is the centre for clairvoyance, visions, and transcendence of time and space in thinking.

The challenge of the sixth chakra is to focus the mind at the point where one-pointedness, clarity and peace occur automatically. The natural feeling that occurs within the mind is truth.

When we are able to choose to bring our mind to the point of unity beyond duality, we move beyond our conflictual rational mind. We experience inner knowing, intuition, psychic powers and clairvoyance. We know our truth, tune into and trust our inner guidance and are able to consciously participate in the creation of our reality.

This chakra is associated with the deep inner level of being we call the Spirit, and with what we consider spirituality and the spiritual perspective, the point of view from that deeper part of our being that western traditions consider the subconscious or unconscious. It is the place where our true motivations are found, and is the level of consciousness that directs our actions and, in fact, our lives.

It is also from this point of view that one sees events in the physical world as the manifestation of co-creation among the beings involved in those events.

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