Here's my CV.
My area of research is analytic number theory. Check out the MathSciNet database on my research here.
Recent Research Interests and Publications
I have recently been working on non-vanishing of L-functions. This is related to Chowla's conjecture, which states that quadratic Dirichlet L-functions do not vanish at the central point s=1/2. Two methods are used to get results on this: moments of L-functions and one-level density. I used both in my recent work below.-
One-level density and non-vanishing for cubic L-functions over the Eisenstein field
This a joint work with Chantal David, where we studies the one-level density for the family above and obtained for the first time positive proportion of non-vanishing for a thin subfamily of these functions. Check out our paper here.
Mollified Moments of Cubic Dirichlet L-Functions
This is an important joint work with Hamza Yesilyurt, which complements the previous work above, where we show that a positive proportion of L-functions associated with the full family of cubic characters do not vanish at s=1/2. This result is obtained via mollifed moments as it was not possible to get it using one-level density. Paper can be found here.
Non-vanishing of Cubic Dirichlet L-Functions
We establish an asymptotic formula for the first moment and derive an upper bound for the second moment of L-functions associated with the complete family of primitive cubic Dirichlet characters defined over the Eisenstein field. We obtain non-vanishing results for this family. Arxiv file.