Fatma Altunbulak Aksu

                        PhD. Candidate


If you hear a voice       within you say "you cannot paint," then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.
Vincent Van Gogh

About  me:

I am a Phd. student in the department of mathematics in Bilkent University.

You can find all details about me below in my CV.



A portrait


Cohomology of finite groups

  • Essential Cohomology

Homological Algebra and Relative Homological Algebra

Representation Theory


1.(with Ergün Yalçın) A theorem of Jon F. Carlson on Filtrations of Modules,

J. Pure and Applied Algebra, 208 (2007) 15-28.


2. (with David J. Green) Essential Cohomology for Elementary Abelian p-Groups,

J.Pure and Applied Algebra, accepted.









Department of Mathematics
Bilkent University
Bilkent, 06800
Ankara, Turkey


Tel:0(312) 290 24 66

E-mail:fatma at fen dot bilkent dot edu dot tr