Department of Mathematics








"Concepts of Aggregation for Evolution Equations in Banach Spaces"







 Abstract: This talk deals with exact reduction methods for dynamical systems, namely, the possibility of projecting the dynamics onto a smaller state space in which a self-contained dynamical description exists. The projection is also called lumping, aggregation, or reduction in various contexts, for example in Markov chains, and connects micro to macro in multi-level systems. As a first setting we consider systems whose evolution is described by bounded or unbounded linear operators on Banach spaces and obtain conditions for lumpability using semigroup theory. Time permitting, we will also present the problem from a dual space point of view in the language of sun dual spaces. We will give several examples for applications.


Date:  Thursday, October 20, 2016

Time: 13:40

Place: Mathematics Seminar, SA-141



Tea and cookies will be served before the seminar.