Department of Mathematics







"Supersingular Curves and Related Codes"





(Sabancı University)


Abstract: We start with introducing a relation between curves over finite fields and certain problems related to linear codes. In this context, supersingular curves yield some nice results on the coding side and we will present those. In the second part of the talk, a coding theoretic problem motivated by the first part of the talk will be presented. This problem is of combinatorial nature. To be more precise, we will try to answer some questions on quasi-cyclic subcodes in cyclic codes, such as their parameters and enumeration. Definitions and background information will be provided for general audience.
      Results presented in this talk have been obtained with G. McGuire, J.-C. Belfiore and B. Özkaya.


Date:  Monday, April 25, 2016

Time: 14.40-15.30

Place: Mathematics Seminar Room, SA-141


All are most cordially invited. Tea and cookies: before the seminar