"Mathematics in Chemistry"






(Bilkent University - Chemistry)


Abstract: From antiquity to about 150 years ago, chemistry was considered to be an experimental science that has no use for mathematics and physics. This changed in the second half of the nineteenth century with the advent of physical chemistry. An even more dramatic change occurred after the discovery of the electron at the end of the nineteenth century. Within 30 years quantum mechanics was worked out with the result that the whole of chemistry can be predicted from these equations, at least in principle. Of course it was clear to the theoretical physicists at the time that there was no way to actually solve the equations and the twentieth century was spend by theoretical physicists and finally theoretical chemists to find approximate methods of sufficient accuracy to tackle problems in chemistry. I will give a short glimpse into the most important of these approximations, the Hartree-Fock method and then show examples for applications of theory in chemistry.


Date:  Wednesday, April  29,  2015

Time: 15.40-16.30

Place: Mathematics Seminar Room, SA-141


All are most cordially invited.
Tea and biscuits: after the seminar