"Burnside Rings and

Biset Functors"






(Bilkent University)


Abstract: It is intended that these seminars will be detailed discussions in the area of group functors, pitched for an audience that is initially not very familiar with Burnside rings or character theory. Sometimes, on request from the audience, the discussion will linger on clarifications or turn to background material and examples.  Thus, a presentation initially intended for, say, just two weeks may sometimes be extended before the next speaker takes over.  It will not be a review sketch seminar: the aim is to explain the material to the audience so that members of the audience can use in it their research. Because two hours requires a lot of effort, we shall skip weeks when none of the participants have material prepared..



Date:  Monday, February  17,  2014

Time: 15.40-17.30

Place: Mathematics Seminar Room, SA-141



All are most cordially invited.
Tea and biscuits: before the seminar (shared with the Algebraic Topology Seminar).