"A Structure Theorem on Modular Coinvariants"






(Bilkent University)


Abstract: We consider the ring of coinvariants for a modular representation of a cyclic group of prime order p. We show that the classes of the terminal variables in the coinvariants have nilpotency degree p and that the coinvariants is a free module over the subalgebra generated by these classes.  An incidental result we have is a description of a Groebner basis for the Hilbert ideal and a decomposition of the corresponding monomial basis for the coinvariants with respect to the monomials in the terminal variables.



Date:  Monday, October  20,  2014

Time: 15.40-17.30

Place: Mathematics Seminar Room, SA-141



All are most cordially invited.
Tea and biscuits: before the seminar