“Prismatic sets in topology and geometry”





Bedia Akyar Moeller

(Dokuz Eylül University)






Abstract: We study prismatic sets analogously to simplicial sets except that realization involves prisms. In particular, I will mention the examples; the prismatic subdivision of a simplicial set S and the prismatic star of S. Both have the same homotopy type as S. Moreover, I will give the role of prismatic sets in lattice gauge theory, that is, for a Lie group G and a set of parallel transport functions defining the transition over faces of the simplices, we define a classifying map from the prismatic star to a prismatic version of the classifying space of G. In turn this defines a G-bundle over the prismatic star. This is a joint work with Johan L. Dupont.





Date:  26 March 2010 Friday
Time: 15:40
Place: Bilkent, Mathematics Seminar Room SA-141


Tea and cookies will be served before the talk.