Department of Physics,
Bilkent University,
Ankara, 06800, Turkey

Office: +90 312 290 2511
Fax: +90 312 266 4579
Dept. Secretary: +90 312 266 4397

I was born in 1967 in Ankara where most of education was. I received my Ph.D. degree in 1997 from the Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department of Middle East Technical University (TR). My PhD research was on computational many-body physics of two- and three-dimensional electron liquids. As a post-doctoral researcher, I have been for one year at University of California, Santa Barbara (US) working on the excitons in wide band gap semiconductors, and for about two years at University of Essex (UK), where I worked on full-band electron transport phenomena in wide band gap semiconductors. In 2000, I joined Bilkent University (TR). During my sabbatical in 2011, I visited Ataç İmamoğlu at ETH-Zurich (CH) for a year, working on nuclear spin dynamics in InGaAs quantum dots. This direction evolved into theoretical nuclear spin based solid-state quantum information research. In the current phase, we are working on the wavelet-enhancement of magnetic field sensing in NV centers. Another topic that we are involved in is non-Hermitian physics, and in particular optomechanics and its synthetic gauge field control. The aim in these research should be to develop tools, mostly computational, but eventually meant to be conceptual, to see into the unseen. My remaining time goes into teaching; here the aim (that I am far from) should be to supply a clear and concise knowledge on the essentials, while building up a self confidence and appetite for seeking for more.


Research Group